Yeah so lately, I have become obssessed with Polyvore. I sometimes use it for withdrawal from not having my favorite fashion magazines, so I could create my own make believe magazine editorial. Funny right? Haha, but I also use it for inspirations for my outfits throughout the days and weeks. I like to first set a theme, for example I pick a city and look at other street style blogs for there, then look at the landscapes, and architectural structures..then I get to work.
Then all of the magic begins, thus these photos and creations of thoughts I have.

So get your creative juices flowing and be a good noodle and head over to Polyvore for a great time. Trust me, I have lost track of time sometimes whenever I am designing outfits.

Personal Favorite :D love it!

I admit, I am addicted to Blair Waldorf's stlye, so she inspired this number.

Blair Waldorf would be proud.

Personal Favorite again! :D luv luv luv