About a week ago, I decided to journey around where ever I could go. Basically my normal Bklyn stomping ground and occasional Manhattan escapade. No pics of much scenery, just one on the train.
While on the train, I dreamed dreams of Raul ;) From Tears of Fears to now, I still love my older guitar wielding icon. By the way, I must have been listening to "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" while air guitaring out his solo towards the end.

Then I luckily had an issue of French Vogue, one of the latest ones, believe its December. On cover is Natasha Poly.

A lot of editorials and advertisements in this issue were truly the true essence of a fashion magazine. I thought Id show my favorite photos from the issue. (Only 5 photos but there were dozens more.) But these 5 truly spoke to me.
I love the collage details on this photo. It feels so nostalgic and the black whites made it feel warm and like it happens back in the supermodels era 1980s-1998. But this photo shows how everyone maybe different but these events like Fashion's Night Out, fashion week, press previews, showroom visits, Release parties, and presentations people bond over similar and various views. That is the fashion party, its never ending.

Picture of Mr. Alber Elbaz, the man is the genius behind Lanvin. The female heroine and chic of Lanvin. He is amazing to me. I loved his creation for Lanvin Fall 2010 and the previous Spring 2007. Oh my my my. He is also behind the ever popular Lanvin x H&M collaboration that was and still is highly anticipated.

I love her a lot, but I forget her name. If someone knows please let me know. I am glad she was chosen for this certain editorial. It reminds me of the South American culture fused in with the Native culture, the Eskimos and Icelandic princess with generations and generations of history. I love this photo so much, it just makes my soul swoon with goodness. It is the background photo of my G1 phone.

I originally thought that this was an ad campaign with Karl Lagerfeld and Baptiste Giab.(Yes, I say Giab ;]) This would be an interesting Chanel ad for Men and Women. Men for the appeal of looking that luscious and women to like that stare of Baptiste for you. All in all, it was just a press image. I still love it. Baptiste the current brain child of Lagerfeld, he is gorgeous and divine.

Then away from the chills of that issue, I started to read some manga, yeah I brought a ton of stuff to keep occupied. But I recommend Chii's Sweet Home series. It is entertaining, hilarious, and I love the style of illustration. Not too detail but just right. Ya know?

Proceeded, to take the right moving image from the train. This one was the only good one I have. Captured the rain drops greatly.

My bag for the day, my Perlina backpack.

My Ash Boots, which I am starting to wear more lately. I love the contrast in them, the rugged browns with the black suede on the top.

My Tripp NYC Jacket makes another apperance before its retired because of the too-cold nature. With my Ash boots.

Then went back to a cafe to down some cinnamon dolce coffee with cranberry cookies.
~Kaye Beeh
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