I met some great people and got some good shots yesterday. I definitely love the new technology and the way it is expanding, so much creativity in one place. Its an artist's dream.
I especially loved visiting:
- Little Punk People
- Poppy Books
- Wacom
- Effigy Skateboards
- Plastic City - Super Rad Toys
- Alexander Pettergill
and Father Panik
Looked at Wacom and their cintiqs, tablets, and bamboos. Prices range from 999-3000$ but the functions are great with Corel Painter and Photoshop, you can do your work on it, prints, and many more. I did my own work. Such a step from paper, canvas, oils, acrylic paints.

Little Punk People is a team where there is a duo (I believe husband and wife), the wife is the artist who does varnishing and uses paints and sharpie markers to make these lolita and gothic style art pieces. I could not resist buying a shirt because it sympbolizes how I feel when it rains!

Then heading over to Poppy books,
I like seeing whats new and whats soon coming to bookstores, such a variety of genres, horrors, supernatural, and generally scary was what was out there. I also see the notion of a graphic novel for Twilight. (please, i cant.)

I stop in to take a look at The Avengers mock scene, it is quite a work of art. The construction of it must have taken a lot of work and the secretaries look real (well, they are actors!).

Then a look over at Effigy Skateboards, David Rankin is the Artist and Owner behind the whole storyboard. He started skateboarding when he was in his thirties (which I admire!) and had a conversation with him which was lovely about combining his l0ve of art with skateboarding. So instead of stickers on skateboards, complete artworks on your skateboards. Now that is a sick ride. I could help but buy a print cell of this beauty. Freedom with so much color. He did it in the spring time because he was tired of winter and the coldness, haha

Then over to Plastic City/ Super Rad Toys where I was the most amazing hommage to Glam Rock Superstar David Bowie, A lightingbolt rabbit head. I asked about it and so much detail and time went into it. When you feel it, the texture is just amazing and the lighting bolt is just the right color and position!

There are other pieces done:

Then I meander through the crowds over to see Lost Art Chains by Alexander Petergill, where he uses chains to make almost everything. It is so true that art could be anything around you.
I love the dog's chain wear. Can you imagine that on a real dog, it would be a BOSS.

Then over to Father Panik, the duo that goes to tattoo conventions across the US and the wear is very very cool. Well, uber cool gloves too. Lets say if you have a tattoo or not, they would look good no matter what.

And other photos! Thursday was a hot evening and night!
Pics from Marvel Super Heroes using the Udraw tablet to fight! Xbox compatible verion, not out yet. The idea is ultimate dimension fighting and using your drawing imagination with figures and shapes to fight!

Pics from some of the gaming areas, this was at Capcom or Square EnixI believe, there is so many booths you lose track.
Haha I loved this guy dressed as Goku in there. The guise of this is to scream as hard as you can. Get your rage to 100, as seen on the screen above. "your Asura's wrath!"

Pics from raccoon city game...

I fell in love with the sinestro one. Such detail.

I love the usb flash drives, I am going to buy one 4GB before the weekend is over. But they have various prices and various sizes. from 4 all the way to 16 GBs.

He was signing I think but I love graphics.

Figures at Hasbro

My UGLYDOLL LOVE CONTINUES...Its like every comic con I always take a photo or buy one.

They are not ugly just beautiful in its own way :D
Lol she is a toy! I want her!

Some crazy figurines at Hasbro and Marvel.


I wonder how look it took them to get into these..

Using good wood on Classic Archie. Makes him look like a boss. I love the pop artness of it, dont you?

The work space in the Press Room and Lounge..getting my details together along with idolizing my satire photo I did on the celtiq earlir.


Then I came across a delightful book about this girl who draws monsters and they come out to play more than once! Cute illustrations and good for a little girl. Look out for this one!

This is not out yet but it will be~ The Black Eyed Peas Experience, look out Michael Jackson and just dance! There is a new sheriff in town.

A little girl decides to have a just dance experience!

Here is a video featuring a few brave souls that went up to dance. Enjoy! Go Greggy!
~Kaye Beeh
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