Thursday, January 5, 2012

'Human Barbie' gives 7-year-old daughter liposuction voucher for Christmas

In probably the grossest thing we have seen this 7 days, Sarah Burge, a Brit that has had so much cosmetic surgery she is called "The Human Barbie, " gave the woman's seven-year-old daughter Poppy a present certificate for Christmas that's a $10, 000+ coupon for liposuction.

"I put the actual voucher in the woman's stocking - there is nothing wrong with which, " Sarah informs Mail Online, adding that Poppy requires "for surgery constantly. "

"She wants to appear good and lipo is some of those procedures that will always are available in handy, " states Burge.

Well, certain. Jumper cables, crisis cash and liposuction. Each and every girl's survival package.

"I see these types of vouchers as purchasing her future - like saving cash for her training, " Burge proceeds. She also offered Poppy a voucher for any boob job on her seventh birthday.

This really is so many types of wrong. Her child is beautiful, can't she simply teach Poppy in order to love herself the way in which she is?

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